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  • Building Forensics International

Concrete Litigation Expert

Building Forensics International provides support to contractors, suppliers, attorneys, insurance companies, and anyone who may be involved in a potential construction litigation dispute. BFI speacializes in concrete, cement, rebar and any related materials.

A concrete litigation expert can mean the difference in potentially saving thousands or even hundred of thousands of dollars in a disbute. When its time to examine water to cement ratio, curing, tension, strength of concrete, how fly ash can be used with concrete, an experienced concrete expert is vitally important. Many consultants have academic experience, but few have the concrete litigation expert experience.

At BFI we have concrete litigation experts with 25 plus years of not only field investigation experience but also the litigation experience. What is the concrete litigation experience? The answer is in be deposed by opposing attorneys hundreds of times and testifying in a courtroom setting before a judge and/or jury.

What makes a concrete litigation expert valuable to the client is the experience of working with attorneys, contractors and the like in a vast array of situations that arise in the construction world. Disputes can vary and each one is unique in and of itself. So when you have the need to hire a concrete litigation expert be sure to find someone with the knowledge and experience required to give you the best opportunity to succeed.

We hope you will consider Building Forensics International if you find yourself in need of a concrete litigation expert.

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