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  • 317 Foot Long Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge

Building Forensics International Concrete Expert Witness

Building Forensics International is a Forensics Investigative firm providing concrete expert witness and construction defect forensic investigative services. The following article supports the need to have concrete experts who have extensive experience in forensic investigations of structural damage. BFI provides clients the experience to handle forensic investigations of the magnitude like the Pfeiffer Canyon Bridge.

The damage to this sixty year old structure due to an overly wet winter season is not only extensive but baffling.

The damage to the 317 foot long bridge stranded near by residents and caught an entire community by surprise. Not only were residents surprised but were placed in harms way. The article in Engineering News-Record is well worth the read. Please take the time to read the following article entitled: Caltrans Trades Box Beam for Steel at Rain-Damaged Bridge

The value of a concrete consultant and an experienced forensic investigative team including a concrete expert witness is well worth the time and investment to possibly save on expensive litigation and repair costs.

Please consider Building Forensics International for your concrete expert witness and forensic investigative service needs.

BFI Staff Writer ~

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